We are very excited for the upcoming school year with your child and your family.
Below you will find information about required forms we need on file in addition to some important dates and information about the start of school for new children. We will continue to be in touch with information over the summer.
If you have any questions please reach out to us at: info@growingplacefamilypreschool.org.
There are a number of forms that we need you to fill out and return in order for us to comply with our licensing requirements. We need to have these forms returned to us no later than Friday, June 23rd. Click below to complete the forms*. If you need a hard copy please let us know. These forms need to be on file with us before your child can start school.
The completed forms can be emailed to: info@growingplacefamilypreschool.org or mailed to: Growing Place Family Preschool, Attn: Forms, 1250 Quintara Street, San Francisco, CA 94116.
*A note about signatures on the forms: You can add a signature if you download the form in Preview ("Tools", "Annotate", "Signature"), you can print and sign or you can download a signature app if you are using your phone or iPad.
Parent Handbook
You can view our Parent Handbook online.
Meet & Greet
We kick off the year with a virtual Meet & Greet for all parents on Thursday, August 10th from 7:00-8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Please plan on at least one parent attending but we encourage all parents to come. You will meet our entire staff and then break out into your child's classroom to chat with your child's teachers and other parents. Zoom link to come.
Welcome Playdates
Our annual Welcome Playdates for each class are on Sunday, August 20th. Each class will have a one hour play date (between 9 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.) here at school on the Play Yard with the classroom teachers. Come, hang out and meet the other families in your class! Class times and more information to come.
New Children
SCHOOL VISITS (for all children new to GPFP who are not in our youngest classroom)
The week of August 7th-11th, is our teacher in-service and preparation week. You will have a chance during this week to have a short visit at school with your child's teachers. More information to come.
Please read important information about our Separation and Phase-In Procedure. We believe separation is an ongoing process and an extremely important part of our curriculum.
FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL PHASE IN (for children in our youngest classroom)
During the first week of school from August 14th-18th, the children in our youngest classroom have an amended schedule. You and your child will have one 30-minute visit plus two 30-minute small group visits with their teachers during the week. Regular schedules begin on Monday, August 21st. More information to come.
For all other children, their schedule might be amended based on how their transition to school is going. Your child's teacher will connect with you throughout the process. Please plan to be available during this transition.
You can find information about food in the Parent Handbook. It is best for your child to bring a lunch bag/lunchbox that they can open and close themselves and a water bottle. Typically children have a morning snack, lunch and sometimes an afternoon snack. We will send out a list of foods to refrain from packing based on allergies closer to the start of the school year.
Children staying at school after 12:30pm will need nap/rest items. Many families bring a nap mat, like this for example, which is easy and comfortable to use on top of our nap cots. Or you can use a crib sheet. Also bring any pillows, loveys or blankets that your child will want to sleep with. It's best to label your nap mat and put all other items inside a reusable bag. We will send home all nap items weekly for laundering at home.