Our Admissions Process
Thank your for your interest in Growing Place Family Preschool. Please take a moment to read our Philosophy and Curriculum pages. We believe that it is the family, not just the child, that is enrolled in the school. Once you have determined that GPFP is the right fit for your family, fill out the form below to schedule a tour to learn more about our school.
*If you do not see an email from us in your inbox, be sure to check your “spam/promotions” folder for an email from info@growingplacefamilypreschool.org and mark it as “not junk”.
After your tour you will be given an application. The families of children between the ages of 2 and 5 are eligible to apply to our program. We aim to include families with diverse family structures and economic and social backgrounds.
GPFP does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.