There are many ways to support Growing Place Family Preschool
Gifts are 100% tax deductible. GPFP is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Our Tax ID is 47-3364297.
More Ways to give
Corporate Matching Gifts
If you or your spouse works for a company that matches gifts to non-profit schools your contribution to GPFP may be doubled. All you have to do is complete the matching gift form available in your employer's personnel office and enclose it with your gift. Our Tax ID is 47-3364297.
Farm Fresh To You
Apply promo code “GPFP” to your account and GPFP will receive 10% back of every delivery.
Good Eggs
Sign up at Good Eggs, use the code “growingplace” and support GPFP! New customers will receive $25 off their first order. The more new customers that sign up the bigger the donation to GPFP.
Gus’s Community Markets (through givex, formerly escrip)
Stop into one of the 4 stores, sign up for a Community Card and designate GPFP for your contributions and 6% of your purchases will be donated to GPFP.
Mabel's Labels
Personalize your child's belongings using Mabel's Labels. Search for “Growing Place Family Preschool” and GPFP receives 20% of each sale.
Office Depot
Provide our school ID (70238846) when you shop at Office Depot and GPFP will receive 5% back in credits for free supplies.
Use code FUNDRAISEGPFP at checkout to save 20% off your order and GPFP receives 15% of each sale.
Gifts are 100% tax deductible. GPFP is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Our Tax ID is 47-3364297.