About Our Team
At Growing Place Family Preschool, we believe one of our greatest strengths lies in the talents and skills of our staff. Our teachers are knowledgeable about early childhood education and development, developmentally appropriate practice and preschool curriculum, but most importantly, they are thoughtful, warm and nurturing.
Our teachers appreciate that each child has unique strengths, interests, needs and learning styles. Teachers actively engage with children in child-directed play and projects, within a predictable and stable daily schedule. They are intentional and genuine. The trust that is developed between child and teacher provides the support that is needed for each child to reach their highest potential: It enables them to discover their interests, fully explore their intrinsic curiosity and creativity, and to develop self-confidence, independence, and satisfying peer relationships.
The principal qualification for our teachers is the ability and desire to love and respect children unconditionally, connect and communicate with them authentically and develop a relationship with the child that emphasizes that he or she will be heard, seen and honored.